Monday, November 26, 2007
More Boston Pictures.
One of my trainers, Stephanie White, & I preparing to perform a program for pre-schoolers as part of the documentary.
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11:20 AM
My visit to Boston!
Here I am on my way to Boston, Massachusetts! I went there right before Thanksgiving to participate in a documentary for a British T.V. show called Blink T.V. It wanted to highlight African Greys & how people use them in various aspects of educational & scientific settings. I guest starred along with Dr. Irene Pepperberg from The Alex Foundation.
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11:09 AM
Golden Girl, Betty White, visits Knoxville & the Zoo...
On Friday, November 2nd, I got a thrill of a lifetime! Betty White, one of the most well-known & beloved celebrities of today, wanted an opportunity to meet me while touring the zoo. She had traveled to Knoxville to take part in a charity dinner for the Morris Animal Foundation on the volunteer Princess Cruises.
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10:56 AM